Tuesday, 3 April 2012

The Good-Restaurant-Fattening-Food Guide

OK, so I said in my last post that I would be continuing with the acronyms, but I'm going to leave that a couple of days and deal with the weekend, as it was the first time I'd been properly socialising over a protracted period.

So I spent Friday evening-Sunday morning away from the city on a visit to A Certain Someone, who I hadn't seen for weeks and weeks; I tried to be really good last week because I wanted to be able to eat and drink in relative freedom, at least a little bit! Also he is super-healthy and in ridiculously good shape so I don't want to let the side down, as he knows I am points-counting. We ate out three times, all of which were lovely, but not the healthiest thing ever:

Meal One - Mexican. We said no to starters, had glasses of wine rather than a bottle, and I ordered a salad. Brilliant, I thought; I won't go over my points and can have another glass of wine later, or perhaps some of ACS's Bucket of Bones (there was, like, a whole cow on that plate). However, there is a reason that Mexico is not known for its salad. This thing was like an amateur archaeologist's wet dream - that was how much I had to forage for the lettuce. There was half a block of cheese, tortilla chips, beef strips in cajun dressing, olives, guacamole, sour cream.... It was literally a mountain. I did not finish it all. Super-tasty though.

Meal Two - Country Pub. After several hours delivering leaflets for a Conservative council candidate (vote early, vote often, vote Tory!), myself along with ACS and some other volunteers went to a local pub for lunch. Breakfast was a fuzzy-head-hungover five grapes, and the ward we were flyering was not flat, so I plumped (lol) for fish and chips, though I did choose the small portion with peas. It was nom. I did not have all the chips. Somehow the tartare sauce disappeared from my plate though I have no memory of consuming it.... Not the healthiest option, but a ton of peas and the fact I wasn't at all hungry til dinner made it a winner. Sort of.

Meal Three - Indian. We drove a few towns over in the evening to go to the M&S for the Dine In For Two deal; their Count On Us range has ProPoints marked on the back for ease, it is so soooper. However, we drive past restaurant after restaurant aaaaand M&S is shut, so on his recommendation, we go to a great curry place. Again, no starter and I went easy on the poppadoms (OMG SUCH A CHALLENGE I used to eat a packet of eight from Tesco in one sitting. Eurgh), though perhaps a creamy korma wasn't the best plan. Along with two glasses of looovely pinot grigio. And another one at the pub. And some cava back at his house. And alcohol really messes with fat-burning. Gah.

On the whole, not my best. However, I managed not to use all my weekly points, got a decent amount of exercise and began to learn not to beat myself up over any little slip-ups as long as I have enough fruit, veg, water and exercise generally.

So, next, I must continue my acronyms, post about goals met so far and deal with the fact that however well I seem to be doing, it's an epic struggle and a half a lot of the time; cake is calling my name......


  1. Eight poppodoms?!?! I can barely afford to have one or two in a curry place!

  2. In Tesco they are between £1 and £1.50 for eight in a pack. We didn't have eight on Sat, good Lord no.

  3. Ahhhh right, I was thinking a sit-down curry place. But yeah I really should do poppodoms whenever we make one at home cause that is pretty cheap and I do like them!
