Monday 2 January 2012

Fear is a bull and I'm grabbing its horns. Or something.

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself , said someone famous and probably dead, probably FDR. (I should know, I have a (relevant) degree.) Feel the fear and do it anyway, quoth a famous self-help book written in the late 1990s (which, by the way, is awful). Anyway, New Year 2012 has arrived and while last year was successful in many ways (I met someone, graduated, performed more than ever and got into Law school) as the bells rang out at midnight I realised that I could have done so much more if I wasn't so scared of everything all the time. And I mean everything.

I'm scared of the usual things that frighten people my age (I'm 22): never finding my dream job, finding my dream job and finding I hate it, being single forever, accidentally getting pregnant, that the man I'm dating will notice the fact that sometimes in the wrong dress I have back fat, seeing myself in the mirror the morning after a night out. I'm also frightened of spiders, heights, falling from heights, stairs (see a pattern here?), certain breeds of dog and pencils. Yes, pencils. I can't explain it but they just really make my skin creep.

So after that random sample, and it really is just a tiny random sample, I have decided that for the next 366 days I will do at least one thing every day which scares me. It doesn't have to be a huge thing or something most people would find normal and natural, it just has to be something that fear is preventing me from completing. This could get interesting.

1 comment:

  1. I think it was Dumbledore actually... but he was probably paraphrasing.
