Tuesday 27 March 2012

Girls Who Wear Makeup At The Gym

I love makeup. I spent a stupid amount of money on makeup. I watch a ridiculous number of YouTube videos about makeup. My day is not complete unless I have applied makeup. However, there is one place where I would never EVER wear makeup.

The gym.

When I go to the gym, I wear an oversized t-shirt almost destroyed by The Killer Washing Machine That Ate All My Tights, jogging bottoms I have had since school that have holes at the thighs due to friction (fuck you, man-made fibres), super-old trainers that cut off my circulation if I tie them too tight and a hoodie from a G&S production last year that I stole from my ex-flatmate (which I MUST give back because he's here this evening....). I do not wash my hair. I do not always shower. And I certainly do not put on makeup. In short, I am a complete mess, and I expect others to be the same.

I don't even mind going out like this in public, a) because it's once every two days or so and b) because the walk to the gym is like Phys Ed Mile; pretty much everyone you pass is in sports gear, jogging or carrying a bag that says I Exercise And Am Therefore Better Than You (miiiight be making that last one up). However, other people don't seem to share my secret enjoyment of feeling the wind, or the air conditioning, on bare skin; this can surely be the only explanation for the strangest of phenomenons - Girls Who Wear Makeup At The Gym.

Exercise is hot and sweaty and no-one looks their best during it, but really, adding cakey foundation and neon eyeshadow and sticky lipgloss to the mix won't make one look better, it simply takes the look to a whole new level of "Holy crap, paper bag!". I have watched girls applying mascara in the changing room mirrors only to see them ten minutes later with the very same running down their cheeks, even girls who take their compacts with them to check for shine half an hour into a 20km cycle. But the most confusing are the girls who arrive back to the changing rooms with their makeup still intact. No shine, no mess, no running, no pores the size of craters filled with foundation goo, nothing.

So, Girls Who Wear Makeup At The Gym, I ask you...... WHAT IS YOUR SECRET AND HOW DO I GET SOME.


  1. Have you tried this youtube video about make-up? Seriously creepy. I dare you to wear this to the gym:-) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLvSSyTgmsM

  2. I think I've seen this reposted somewhere...

  3. OMG, really?!? Love it! Because it is a widespread phenomenon....
