Saturday 3 March 2012

Wine, Women and Song (without the Women or the Song)

So after starting this blog to boast about such feats of bravery as walking down some stairs and going to the shops without makeup, recent events have inspired me to take a new direction and write about my attempts to lose weight. I decided this partly because the more people that know what I'm doing, the less likely I am to fall off the wagon for fear of the massive guilt trip that will follow, but mainly because my last post got such an overwhelmingly positive response that it made me want to continue. You like me, you really like me!

Anyway, since my last outpouring, I have not been to the gym as I was in St Andrews, but I have been walking a lot, attempting sit-ups (they BURN) and doing bicep crunches with soup cans. I look like a complete tard but every little helps! However, gym tomorrow again. My mother is also exercising back at home so we are going to become gym buddies when I am back in a couple of weeks, which means that I want to be in decent shape in order to best her, because I am so competitive that beating anyone at anything makes me SO HAPPY (ask my ex-flatmate about Scrabble sometime). Also she is much fitter than I am already, much as it pains me to say it. It also means that I get to use all the swanky-pants gym equipment at her swanky-pants gym where all the millionaires hang out (allegedly), so I may have to invest in some workout gear as I doubt my too-tight fraying M&Co sweatpants and oversized T-shirt with neon writing and a Vote Tory slogan will cut it somehow.....

However since the last post there have been a couple of obstacles: eating and drinking out. Thursday I went out to a bi-weekly black tie event where there be drinking and speeches and drinking and gown-wearing and yet more drinking. Alcohol being one of the main reasons I am the size I am, and also one of the main ways I enjoy myself, I was a tad worried about this. However, by sipping slowly and having water or Diet Coke (I love Diet Coke) I managed to get mildly tipsy (cough) on only one large and one small glass of wine, a couple of sips of port and a half-glass of something a friend didn't want, which still kept me under my points allowance for the evening. It sounds a lot and really it is, but considering I would average a bottle and a half on these nights out, and I was out for almost six hours, quite proud!

Next time - the wonderful world of eating out with someone who wants three courses. It's much more interesting that it sounds (cough). xxx

P.S. To those who have messaged, FBed or commented about my last post - thank you, your support means everything and I feel very lucky! OK, sappy bit over, and signing off.

1 comment:

  1. Cool! Also, bi-weekly I think means twice a week instead of every other week... But I may be wrong.

    Good luck with weight loss, a few good tips I've used and heard additional praise for is: use headphones or watch tv while working out, listening to music or watching a tv show you enjoy helps distract you while you're on a treadmill or cycle machine. Also, yoga! Easy to do at home, clears the mind and massively improves flexibility as well as warms up your muscles for any additional workout routine you have planned for the day. Also a gym buddy helps a lot cause of the added pressure of having someone with you and witnessing your workout. Best of luck but sounds like you have the will power to succeed no problem.
