So yesterday was the day of Hurricane Son of Bawbag (sadly my name Hurrican Mingeflaps didn't catch on). Therefore actually getting out of the flat to do anything scary was a tad tricky, so I plan to count going out in such vile weather (it was really rather unpleasant) to the shops as something that scares me, as it was dark and windy and rainy and loud and the traffic was mad. I also did it without makeup or having washed my hair, which those of you who know me well know that I do not really ever do, and particularly not to a supermarket with strip lighting. GAH. But still, it's still an achievement, however small.
I also made a list of all the ideas and suggestions of things I could do this year that scare me. They include:
Go to the Lake District Pencil Factory
Eat langoustines or anything else which looks as it did when alive
Weigh myself
Really talk to my mother
Let someone else dress me
Climb more hills
Book and go on a holiday
Confront people if they upset me
Dispose of a spider
Go to the doctor when I feel the need
Deal with bills the minute they come in
Learn to be better on the phone
Climb and descent stairs and not freak out about it
Stop using alcohol as an emotional crutch
Complete this blog without worrying that people are laughing at me!
Just a few random samples; anyone else have any?
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